Sunday, January 27, 2013

Using Web Tools To Be A Fashionable Teacher

    Technologies have already changing the way of teaching, learning and education. I did not realize that until I started applying universities in America. I got many emails about online courses from different universities including University of Southern California. I went through the introductions of several online courses and thought that if I could not go to school physically for some reasons, online course was a good chance to take.
    Now here I am, studying in UB, for only one semester, I have already experienced the benefits of technologies in studying. For example, the discussion board in UB Learns helped me communicate with classmates without the limitation of time and place. And Google doc helped my team accomplish Micro-teaching successfully when my team members were coming from different countries and did not have common tools to communicate online.
    I can feel that the use of digital files and technological  tools in studying is a learning tread we cannot go against with. I will definitely use technological tools in my future classroom. However, before I look forward to my tech-future in teaching, I would like to answer the four questions mentioned in textbook. What are your passions? My passions are language, teaching, movies and travel. Who are your teachers?Are they all in physical space? Most of my teachers teach in a traditional way. How are you building your own learning networks using these books? In this new environment, how are you modeling your learning for your students? That are the questions I will answer in detailed in my blog later.
    Based on my experiences, interests always play a role of a good teacher. As a language teacher, I can combine anything attract students with the language, which is English, I am going to teach. I may not be able to be experts in different areas such as music, sport or science at the same time. But blogs can be. I will recommend RSS--Really Simple Symdication to my students. With the help of RSS, they can book anything, which has be written in English, they would like to spend some time to read. Through RSS, the content will come to the reader instead of the reader retrieving the content. Every time readers open their emails, they can go through the information they are interested and also read something written in English at the same time. Combining students' passions and  learning and making it work is one of my goals as a language teacher.
    The other tool I would like to use in my future teaching career is Social Bookmarking. To be honest, today is the first time for me to contact this tool. Through the resource list of Dr. Burgos in, I learned information about TESOL PreK-12 English Language Proficiency Standards Framework and ISTE | NETS Student Standards 2007 systematically. This information is helpful for me to acquire certifications in the field of English teaching. What I want to say is: teachers can share useful online information with their students via Social Bookmarking. With the help of Social Bookmarking, teachers do not have to print out files for each students. And students have the chance to choose what they want to see.
    Talking about what the tool I am using. I definitely use it in my future teaching career. The first way occurs to me is that I can use blog to post teaching syllabus, homework and assignment. And students can also use blogs to post their writing assignment. It is environmentally friendly way to do homework. And the second way is to encourage students to communicate via blogs.I will teach them to create blogrolls and leave a specific blog list for their classmates. Then they can read each other's blog and comment it. I want to say that it is going to be different and fashionable. And I would like to learn to be a "fashionable" teacher.